Specially created a "Yin Yang" Grass Jelly-Soy Milk Dual Flavoured Chiffon Cake creation for Nine Fresh's 7th birthday, modeled after their signature dessert! 🥣💕
The Grandma was a lady from Jiu fen (Taiwan) who inspired the whole Nine fresh dessert chain. So I recreated a 3D version based on their sketches and memories of the grandma =).
I am doing a cake giveaway of this creation on Instagram if you are interested!
Here is a top view of the "Yin yang" chiffon cake and the "liao" on top! It has their signature sweet potatoes, nuts and red/green beans =).
And here is a better view of the "Yin yang" chiffon cake.
The black portion is made from Grass jelly chiffon cake, and the white from "Tau huey" or Soy milk chiffon cake. This is an original creation and the recipe for this "Yin yang" chiffon cake is shared below. Do tag me if you try it! =)
Some people call this combination "Michael Jackson" in Singapore =p
Grass Jelly Chiffon Cake batter
*you can also use the recipe for just the Grass jelly in a 6-inch tube pan
2 egg yolks
6g castor sugar
26g vegetable/corn oil
33g grass jelly or chin chow water
1g vanilla extract
40g cake flour, sifted
Pinch of salt
Pinch of charcoal powder
3 egg whites
27g castor sugar
Pinch of cream of tartar
Soy Milk Chiffon Cake batter
*you can also use this recipe for a 6-inch tube pan
2 egg yolks
6g castor sugar
26g vegetable/corn oil
5g soy milk powder
35g soy milk
1g vanilla extract
36g cake flour, sifted
Pinch of salt
3 egg whites
27g castor sugar
Pinch of cream of tartar
Grass Jelly Batter
1. Whisk egg yolks with sugar until light and well-mixed.
2. Add in oil and mix well. Then add chin chow or grass jelly water (with small bits optional but nicer) and vanilla extract and whisk till well-combined.
3. Whisk in sifted cake flour with pinch of salt and charcoal powder, and mix till well-combined.
4. Prepare meringue:
a. Using an electric mixer, whisk egg whites with cream of tartar till frothy.
b. Add in ½ castor sugar for meringue and whisk at high speed till soft peaks form.
c. Add in rest of the castor sugar for meringue and whisk till firm peaks form, or just the point of stiff peak.

5. Gently fold in meringue gently into egg yolk batter 1/3 at a time. *Fold in unidirectional, gentle strokes and do not overfold.
Soy milk Batter
1. Dissolve soy milk powder in soy milk and mix well.
2. Whisk egg yolks with sugar until light and well-mixed.
3. Add in oil and mix well. Then add soy milk and vanilla extract and whisk till well-combined.
4. Whisk in sifted cake flour with pinch of salt, and mix till well-combined.
5. Preheat oven to 140°C.
6. Prepare meringue:
a. Using an electric mixer, whisk egg whites with cream of tartar till frothy.
b. Add in ½ castor sugar for meringue and whisk at high speed till soft peaks form.
c. Add in rest of the castor sugar for meringue and whisk till firm peaks form, or just the point of stiff peak.
5. Gently fold in meringue gently into egg yolk batter 1/3 at a time. *Fold in unidirectional, gentle strokes and do not overfold.
** You can also prepare meringue for 6 egg whites and divide into two. Then fold each half into the 2 different egg yolk batters.
I actually did it this way, but wrote the recipe in such a way that you can make a plain Grass Jelly chiffon cake or Soy milk by itself.
6. Pour the Grass jelly and soy milk chiffon batter into each half of an ungreased 7-inch chiffon tube pan till 2-cm from brim. Try to pour at the same speed. If you have difficulty, you can choose to spoon in on each side gently to fill each half. Gently tap on counter top to remove air bubbles.
7. Bake at 140°C for 55-60 min, or until skewer inserted into centre of cake comes out clean.
8. Invert pan to cool on a wire rack completely.
9. Unmould the chiffon cake by hand (see video tutorial ‘Hand unmoulding Chiffon cakes for a clean finishing’).
Piped words/logo: I used the deco-roll technique, ie, piped the patterns, bake for 2 min. Allow to cool while I prepare the chiffon cake batter for the sheet cake. Pour the chiffon batter over the patterns and bake normally.
6. Pour the Grass jelly and soy milk chiffon batter into each half of an ungreased 7-inch chiffon tube pan till 2-cm from brim. Try to pour at the same speed. If you have difficulty, you can choose to spoon in on each side gently to fill each half. Gently tap on counter top to remove air bubbles.
7. Bake at 140°C for 55-60 min, or until skewer inserted into centre of cake comes out clean.
8. Invert pan to cool on a wire rack completely.
9. Unmould the chiffon cake by hand (see video tutorial ‘Hand unmoulding Chiffon cakes for a clean finishing’).
Piped words/logo: I used the deco-roll technique, ie, piped the patterns, bake for 2 min. Allow to cool while I prepare the chiffon cake batter for the sheet cake. Pour the chiffon batter over the patterns and bake normally.
Nuts/beans: Cut from small round cake pops (baked from silicone cake pop molds) using bubble tea straw.
Sweet potato tubes: sliced from small cupcakes (baked in mini soufflé cupcake liners).
Grandma: Face baked in a bowl, hair bun from egg shell (fill to half), hands from cake pop molds.

Hope you this work of love made you smile too!! =)) I loved the soy milk chiffon, but thought the grass jelly could come out a little stronger. But overall still nice =). Hope you like it!
With lots of love,
Susanne =)
More loving chiffon cake creations here: