Wednesday, 20 June 2018

Video tutorial for French Method of making macarons

I have finally decided to do a full video tutorial for making macarons!

It took me a few hours of processing 14 separate videos and photos to create this 5 minute tutorial 😅. This is precisely why I am not keen on making video tutorials often.

French method is covered as most homebakers will find this easier than Swiss or Italian methods.

The focus of this tutorial is on the basic techniques that newbies may find difficult, especially the part for folding the batter and testing consistency. Please be patient as the book (Creative Baking: Macaron Basics) will only be physically in stores in Singapore by end September/ early October. For UK, it will be around January/February 2019 and US about April/May 2019. Full recipe and baking conditions can be found in the book.

I hope you find this tutorial helpful!

With love,
Phay Shing