Saturday, 17 March 2018

Sweet Molang-in-Cup Chiffon Cake

This is a very special cake for a very special friend, and I absolutely loved making every part of it! 💗 It was not only a meaningful cake for me to make, and also so so cute to make!

The idea was a pop-up Molang saying the baby is 1! Everything including the spoon is made from chiffon cake =). I’ve actually made another Molang cake before this, but not yet posted (oops, my backlogs!). For the base cup, I baked chiffon cake in a big ball pan. The Molang was from a smaller bowl, and the rest of the details were cut from cake pops or sheet cakes. Eg for the “love letter”, it was made by rolling a striped patterned roll cake. Thankful to God that it was well received! =))

Happy blessed birthday baby Love!

With lots of love,

*Updates: Chinese edition now on book depository with free shipping worldwide

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