Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Chiffon Cake Hand Unmoulding Video Tutorial for a Clean Finishing

I get a lot of questions on how I get the chiffon cakes looking clean, neat and showing rainbow colours or patterns. So here's my humble attempt at a video tutorial on how to hand unmould them to get a clean finishing, and also in preparation for the Creative Chiffons book we are working on with Marshall Cavendish.

I make on average 1 chiffon cake every 1-2 days with different recipes and have found that not all chiffon cakes can be unmoulded easily with a flip at the side without tearing the cake. Hence the video tutorial will show you how to peel it off gently without tearing. Thanks to my dear hubby for helping to put the instructions into the video!

Hope you will find it very useful!

With lots of love,

Details of the Creative Baking: Chiffon Cakes book here.

And Deco Chiffon Cakes here.


  1. Hi,
    Found ur awesome blog with lots pretty chiffon cakes. Love it!..can i ask where u bought the 23cm chiffon tin?

  2. Hi Susanne, chanced upon your blog. Lovely creations but would you happen to know why some chiffon cakes have brown sides while yours don't?

    1. Sorry I missed your question.. the browning lies in temperature control. I usually reduce the temperature after 15 min from 160 deg to prevent browning. You can browse the chiffon cake recipes on the blog on the temperature control. Thanks!

  3. Awesome!!!!
    Hi Susanne, may I ask you as I have bake chiffon cake but never once I really dare to let it cool down totally. It was because when it was totally cool down the side of the cake was "moist" and abit wet so I'm wondering how should u prevent this to happen?

  4. Hi Raeka, it shouldn't be moist and wet unless it is a little underbaked. Try baking the chiffon cake a few minutes more? =) Thanks

    1. Okay shall add few more minutes. Really thanks.. I'm baking now 😁😁😁

  5. Wanna shared this joy! I somehow did it.. Ha ha not that's "moist" after a few more minutes.. Thanx once again!

  6. Hi Susanne, love the colours you used on your chiffon cakes. It makes them look so nice and yummy! I have a qn, may I know why my chiffon cake, the TOP is always moist when touch but the center of the cake insert skewer it came out clean. I tried to bake it longer but it does not dry up the TOP instead the bottom became browner and the cake taste drier. Pls adv. Thk you

    1. Dear Cindy, sounds like your oven top heat is not as strong than your bottom heat. I may suggest moving your chiffon cake up a rack if that's the case. Let me know if it helps. Thanks

  7. Thks for the advice. I tried but it still feel wet. Is it my oven cos I'm actually using oven that can bake, microwave and steam food. My other bakes has no problems only happen to chiffon cake and macarons.

    Anyway Susanne, really appreciate your advice. Thk u

  8. Dear Susanne , i love your deco chiffon cake . Wondering if some day would you add the video clip go along with the recipe ? :) i think it is easier to bake with visual aid ! Thank you very much . Wish you have a wonderful new year .

  9. hi
    ive tried ur recipe and turned out still a lil bit browning
    does it mean i have to try to put the temperature from 160 to 130?
    since 160 to 140 and still brown & can’t see the color / pattern
    if its on 130 celcius, will the baking time longer ? or still the same 30mnts?
    thank you
