I shared before I get many of my ideas from dreams at night (that was how I made the first patterned chiffon cake Sakura matcha). I dreamt of making this Froggy pandan chiffon cake the night I saw Ochikeron’s 3-ingredient chiffon cake. The chiffon cake recipe that required No oil, No milk/water and No egg separation must have gotten me so curious I dreamt of it, and in Froggy version too! So I woke up and made it together with a Peppa cake I was making with similar colour theme. The original recipe from Ochikeron is from here. I added ½ teaspoon of pandan paste for pandan chiffon flavour and scaled it down to 3 eggs in a 6-inch chiffon tin (I had a little bit of excess batter for a small cupcake). Just to share, I found that my hand mixer was heating up quite a bit after 10 min and there was no further increase in volume after 12 min mixing. So I would feel 12+ min would suffice but maybe it depends on the individual mixer.
*I've added in measurements in g (converted from tbsp) as I got some queries for the recipe in g.
Pandan 3-ingredient Chiffon Cake (from Ochikeron) - it's very short! =p
3 eggs
4.5 tbsp castor sugar (~ 56 g)
3.75 tbsp cake flour (~ 23 g)
1/2 tsp pandan paste
1. In a bowl, place eggs and sugar. Beat on high speed with an electric mixer for 12-15 minutes until white and fluffy, until no further increase in volume (top pic).
2. Preheat the oven to 160°C.
3. Sift in cake flour, half at a time, and mix on low speed with an electric mixer for a minute or two in total until just combined (bottom pic).
4. Pour the batter into the ungreased 6-inch tube pan and drop it lightly on the counter to raise the air bubbles out of the batter.
5. Bake at 160°C for 20 min then 150°C for 10 min, then 140°C for 15 min (or until skewer comes clean). *Do not open the oven door.
6. When it's done, drop the pan lightly to prevent shrinking.
7. Turn the pan upside down and place it on a bottle or on a wire rack so it is suspended over the counter to cool.
8. Let it cool completely before hand unmoulding the chiffon cake (video tutorial).
Verdict: In terms of texture, the chiffon cake is really very soft, but not exactly like the chiffon cakes made from normal egg separation chiffon cake recipes. It is not as springy and deforms easily (doesn’t spring back to its original volume after being pressed), so much so that I had difficulty cutting clean slices and it’s probably even harder to work with for decorative chiffons.
In terms of taste, it does taste somewhat like pandan chiffon cake, only lacking a bit of the 'pang' from coconut milk. It's probably also on the sweet side though still ok. But I didn’t dare reduce the sugar as it was required for the eggs to fluff up. I also noticed it browns more easily, probably due to the higher sugar content. I also didn’t feel that I saved time as I took 15 min to whip the egg-sugar mixture (usually only 5 min for meringue) =p and my mixer was heating up! So I would probably go back to my preferred egg separation method =p.
BUT it’s an SUPER easy and yummy bake, especially for those who have fear of whipping meringue, and the chiffon cake is soft and nice =), great for home consumption.
With lots of love,
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