Monday, 29 January 2018

'Many Faces of Pusheen' Berry Jam with Dark Chocolate Macarons

This is a follow-up post after last week's post on foodie Pusheen macarons...Pusheen with all sorts of poses and expressions! Sleepy, smiley, munching, winking, acting cool and holding onto food! I made these a week after the foodie Pusheens because my friend loved them so much she wanted more! I had capacity to squeeze in a small quantity of macarons so I made these. I used the reduced sugar recipe for the macaron shells here. Both regular and reduced sugar recipes can be found here....
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Sunday, 28 January 2018

Doggy Chocolate Taiwanese Castella Cake and Cupcakes (Agogo 阿狗狗旺旺过好年)

Can you recognize who is this Doggy? =) Yes this Doggy is inspired by the cute Agogo 阿狗狗旺旺过好年 that is designed by Mediacorp this year to usher in the Year of the Dog. This is inspired by the cute Agogo plush toy I saw at Popular. There's also a pink female version of it that is super cute! I actually tried out this Chocolate Taiwanese Castella Cake as an item for my church's Culinary Arts Ministry (CAM). I have been teaching chiffon for the past 2 sessions so thought it's time...
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Friday, 26 January 2018

Foodie Pusheen Berry Jam and Dark Chocolate Macarons

My friend requested for some Pusheen macarons. Not just any Pusheen, but foodie Pusheen! And a Pusheen that is trying to act cool I decorated all the bottom shells as well since it was requested. These Pusheens were mande concurrently with the Chinese New Year doggie macarons and hedgehog macarons. And so I have to mention the fact about poor photography due to bad weather and lighting conditions 😅. The colours just seem to appear a bit off in the pictures for all of them but this...
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Monday, 22 January 2018

Orange Chocolate Macaron Playground

I had an idea for a playground with moveable macaron pieces some time last year but didn't get the chance to make until now. My friends have been very kind to be my guinea pigs for this creation and they did so gladly! Front view of the playground with a slide, Merry-go-round and seesaw Back view of the playground. I have to show this or the ladder of the slide won't be showcased at all. Here's a short video of the Merry-go-round and seesaw in action! As with all unique new...
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Sunday, 21 January 2018

We Bare Bears Chiffon Cake

Ahh don't they look comfy and happy stacked together? Hehe =). This chiffon cake is based on the cute We Bare Bears, an American animated sitcom that follows three bear siblings, Grizzly, Panda and Ice Bear. One unique characteristic is that form a "bear stack” which serve as their support for each other (pun intended!) and unique way of transportation =). It was really challenging stacking the soft chiffon cakes, especially to balance the soft cakes and their body parts but also...
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Wednesday, 17 January 2018

2D and 3D Hedgehog Berry Jam and Dark Chocolate Macarons

I have a request for hedgehog macarons filled with dark chocolate ganache and various berry jams! I had to use a filter from Instagram to create a photo that has colour closer to the actual macarons. Both 2D and 3D versions! This was the original photo taken, which had a yellow hue Pardon the poor photography as it has been really rainy and gloomy lately so I couldn't make use of natural sunlight to take pictures. The 2D version of the hedgehog is modelled after a little boy's...
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Saturday, 13 January 2018

12 Zodiac Animals 'Yusheng' Chiffon Cake

The 12 Zodiac animals gathering together for a “Lo Hei” reunion before the Dog takes over the Rooster for the year! =) All the animals are made from small chiffon cake pops and the “yu sheng” was also cut from chiffon cake! It was a lot of work crafting the animals and “yu sheng” but it was a work of love and a joy for me =). Thankful it was well-received! The animals going for a Merry-go-round here! **Updated 15/2/18:  Super honored to be featured on the official account on...
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