
Tuesday 21 June 2022

Corgi Hojicha Plushiemallow Class

This corgi plushiemallow class is up for registration with Artz Baking and Culinary studio! 

Like the unicorn plushiemallow class, you get to learn how to create corgi plushiemallows in three common plushie postures: sitting upright, lying on back and lying on front. There's a bonus corgi butt, of course😆! 

This marshmallow is flavoured with hojicha powder, which tempers the sweetness of marshmallows well. I personally prefer flavoured or toasted marshmallows as it brings a different dimension to just plain squishy candies.

This class has both online and hands-on options. All hands-on participants will have access to online class material at no extra cost. The online class will be released in time for International Dogs Day too! Please click on this link for hands-on class. Please click on this link for online class.

with love,

Phay Shing